Friday, August 15, 2008

poor aleece

I have a beautiful friend named aleece. We have been together about four years now. At my last supper in my old town I had her, her boyfriend, my twin and my lil brother all with me. My twin and her boyfriend were cracking jokes about how unfortunate aleece was because of her bone structure and what a shame it is that she will never be pretty and stuff like that. My little brother who was being quiet and shy just sat there eating his pizza. Then I asked spencer what he thought of aleece's face. He stopped staring down at his pizza slowly moved his face to look at us with the most DISGUSTED look you could ever imagine. It was such the look of her face is so horrid why would you ever bother cute ole me with such sadness. Then a minute later or so he said he liked her face.

1 comment:

Jenello said...

You just have to try to see past the fat to see her beauty