jenelle is even smiling while trying to be gangsta. i don't even know what i am doing.
west side for life.
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i am an eighteen year old girl with thoughts bigger than her generation.
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Thank you N*SYNC. Thank you Justin. Thank you Joey. Thank you Jc. Thank you Lance. Thank you weird one with white boy dreads(even though you always creeped me out).
I loved you. You knew everything I thought in 4-7th grade. You put all the things I felt and put them into beautiful, poppy, repetitive songs, that were so easy to learn all the words to.
You got me through some tough times you five. My break up with AH. Long trips with my parents. You were there for me in my walkman disc player.
Thank you as well for being unbelievably hot to nine year old girls(well except chris, sorry). It must have been tough but we all appreciated it.
Thank you Lance and Joey for doing the movie On The Line. It's nice to know that even pretty boys can get lead roles in romantic comedy. Though Joey, you are hilarious and were a much better catch in that movie.
So once again, thank you. You were the perfect band for nine year old me.