Saturday, September 6, 2008


Spencer and I were talking about the plans for the evening. Our parents had their weekly rehearsal and and Spencer usually goes with them but I have been known to let him stay home and hang out with me. THIS week however I had rented PULP FICTION and wanted to watch it so I told him he had to go with our parents. He, however, did not like this plan and promptly goes and tries to talk to our parents about it. Unfortunately, for him of course, they sided with me and informed the poor kid he had to go to rerhearsal. Upon hearing the news he comes back stares at me and we start this conversation.
"What?" Me
"I called you a sucker."-S
"But why?"-Me
"That is what you call someone when you don't get your way"-S
"I don't quite thinks that how it goes."-Me


Michelle Coffman said...


Excellent movie choice. I'd have wanted to stay and watch it with you.

Thany said...

I adore his confidence.

Jenello said...

haha yes he is starting to learn the great world of insults!